Saturday, November 22, 2014

I feel so blue

I have worked so hard for what I have.. I do what I can for everyone. Things just crumbled in a day. My car took its final ride last week. Directly after that I got suspended until I get another (my job requires a vehicle) you have to be able to take your clients where they need to go. My income was over half of our income. Last time I fell into hard times my credit suffered. So I couldn't get approved for a candy bar on loan. How can I come up with a huge down payment when all we have coming in barely pays the bills now??? To top it all off its christmas time and now I can't even get my kids gifts!! My husbands income can't do any of the above. Then I met a wonderful lady has a great reliable vehicle and is willing to be a leinholder and let me make payment but she wants 300 down. Thats not bad but the tax tags etc is over 400. That takes me right back to needing about 750. Once again impossible. My area has NO resources or programs to help me. I feel horrible I have had to join fundraising websites and pray to god that someone has a huge heart and helps me. Not likely though there's so many people askibg for help ill likely be passed by. I don't know what to do anymore honestly. This opportunity is HUGE and may be the only chance Ill have at getting a vehicle any time soon. My stomach is sick with stress. God if you can hear me please please give me a break!!!

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